Fee Fixation Order
Issued To
" Pragjyotika senior secondary school "
on 13th April, 2021 by application number 15-02-2021-FRC-F-934776,   applied on 15th February, 2021 for determining the fees for following academic years under The Assam Non-Government Educational Institutions (Regulation of Fees) Rules, 2020 :

(1 ) 2021-2022
(2 ) 2022-2023
(3 ) 2023-2024

Read: -
(1) Proposal of the Management of the non-government educational institution (by Pragjyotika senior secondary school ) with the documents, evidences, undertaking and affidavit dated 15th February, 2021.

Order: -

1. Whereas the Management of the non-governmental ( Pragjyotika senior secondary school ) has submitted the proposal for the fixation of fee structure with an undertaking and affidavit of the authorized person of the institute on 15th February, 2021 under rule 8 of under The Assam Non-Government Educational Institutions (Regulation of Fees) Rules, 2020.

2. Whereas the proposal for fixation of fees has been examined and considered on the basis of the aforesaid factors as well as proofs and documents submitted by the management of the institute with reference to the relevant factors and provisions of the Assam Non-Government Educational Institutions (Regulation of Fees) Act, 2018, and the said Rules.

3. Whereas the personal hearing was also given to the management of the self-financed institute.

4. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by section 11 of the said Act read with Rule 8 and 9 of the said Rules and subject to the conditions specified in this order, the Fee Regulation Committee hereby determines the total fee – for the whole academic year by whatever name the fees may be called – that shall be levied by the school per student of different standards as specified in columns 4,5 and 6 of the table below for the academic year/s 2021-2022, 2022-2023, 2023-2024, :

SL Standard Academic Year/s Total Approved fee per student for the whole year
(Inclusive of all fees by whatever name called)
1 Standard XI (Science Stream) 2021-2022,
Rs. 43740
2 Standard XII (Science Stream) 2021-2022,
Rs. 44740
3 Standard XI (Arts Stream) 2021-2022,
Rs. 37540
4 Standard XII (Arts Stream) 2021-2022,
Rs. 37740
5 Standard XI (Commerce Stream) 2021-2022,
Rs. 37540
6 Standard XII (Commerce Stream) 2021-2022,
Rs. 37740

Conditions: -

1. The total fee determined shall be levied for 2021-2022, 2022-2023, 2023-2024, academic years.

2. The Institute shall not collect fee amounting to more than one quarter of a year from any student at a time. However, if the Institute desires to collect the fee at a time for the whole year or for more than a quarter, then a rebate of 5% on the total fee will have to be given. Otherwise, it shall be considered as collection of capitation fee and such school shall be liable to prosecution in accordance with the provisions of the said Act.

3. The fee determined shall be displayed by the Institute on its notice board and official website in English and a local language.

4. Any excess fee collected by the Institute shall be refunded to the students/parents within a period of thirty days from the date of this order.

5. In case, the fee determined by the Committee is higher than the actual fee collected by the Institute, then the difference of fee shall be payable by the students/parents within reasonable time.

Dilip Kumar Handique
Administrative Officer,
Fee regulatory Committee, Assam